
Sunday, August 19, 2012


Reviews: "I was dumbfounded by how much I loved the ending of Shiki."
Retail price: 90.00$
Watched on:
DVD release date: 2010
Aired: July 8 2010
Program Run Time: 600
Genre: Horror, Supernatural, Suspense, Psychological, Vampire, 
Language watched in: English

This story starts off in Sotoba village, where the people are old fashion, and cut off from the outside world. With a population of 1 300, this village is run by the two heads of the town the town junior monk Seishin and the village doctor Toshio. After the Kirishiki's western style mansion was built on the outskirts of the village, the villagers started dying left and right. Was this a start of an epidemic brought to Sotoba by the Kirishiki's or was it something more?

There are quiet a number of characters who's stories are told in this anime, we see the struggle, the joys, the tragedies that different characters and group of characters go through.

Megumi; the odd out of place girl who dreams to one day move to the city, and live a "normal life". She has an unhealthy obsession with Natsuno.

Natsuno; the reserved and quiet cold high school student from the city, who moved to Sotoba with his parents. His hopes are to one day move back to the city and escape the small village life. Even though he wasn't looking for a friend one found him, Tohru.

Tohru; an all around good guy who could have his pick of the crop, but decided to befriend Natsuno. 

Seishin; the town junior monk and childhood friend to Toshio and Mikiyasu. He believed that you could always choose your own path in life, that nothing was predetermined. Eventually he became a monk, even though he truly wished otherwise.

Toshio; the current town doctor of Sotoba, running the clinic which was passed down from generation to generation. In charge of all the lives in the village, the only thing that could possibly disgrace his family's name would be villagers deaths. He takes it as his personal duty to make sure that the villagers are safe.

I've got to admit that there are many more characters in the anime. I'd love to write about the main Shiki characters, but I'm afraid that I might spoil some of the story.

This is honestly one of the best anime's I've seen in quiet some time. It has all items to make it an unforgettable anime, characters you can relate to (I'm not saying all but you'll find one), suspense, conflict, great animation, and human nature. I honestly cried near the end, feeling both sympathy and loss for both the humans and the shiki. This is a great example of human nature at its worse. I rate this anime 5 stockings out of 5.

The original post was posted on my other blog ;)

801 T.T.S.

Retail Price: 19.12$
Watched on: Justdubs
First Aired: May 1994
DVD release date: June 11th 2002
Program run time: 175 minutes
Genre: Air Force, Harem, Comedy, romance, aviation military, action,
Language watched in: English

If you are looking for an anime with consistency, well sir and or madame I've got good news there are more anime than just 801 T.T.S. Airbats, because this anime is a 7 episodes of jumble. 801 T.T.S. Airbats is an anime about a group of air force workers in the Japanese air defense force.  With your cast of pilots, mechanics, and higher ranks going on odd missions (which I'd prefer to call trips), they make sure to give you a few laughs.


Left to Right
Yoko, Miyuki, Takuya, Kouji, Mitsuru, and Arisa
Yoko: I have to admit because I've watched this series in English, I don't have many things to say besides, she was annoying.

Miyuki: An aspiring young female lead, hoping to become an official pilot. She has her eyes on our poor little Takuya, and is willing to make sure he's her's not matter what. Miyuki is head strong, and if anything does not go her way she plays the "Poor Miyuki Card". 

Takuya: A young flight mechanic and also our main character, he's into anime figurines, airplanes, and what any other pubescent boy is into girls! Takuya is a classic perverted character that is thrown into a love triangle between Miyuki and Arisa.

Arisa: Our second female lead (and my favourite), this bad-ass chick has a loud mouth, and isn't afraid to take a challenge. Arisa has better technique in the cockpit than Miyuki, but her wooing technique leave something to be desired.  

I'll cut it short for characters.

I like the fact Yoko's watching Airbats in the background.

Quick thought

All considering the age of this program (1994) it has extraordinary animation value, and it is quite entertaining. Although I'd like to point out it is a forgettable anime, it's not good enough for you to re-watch it or to reminisce about it later on. But it's also not bad enough to hate, for you to warn others not to watch it or remember in later years "Man Airbats sucked.". What I mean is it's average that's why I'll give it an average rating 2.5 stockings. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

3 reviews in one

I know I'm doing this somewhat rush, and plots, characters and more won't be thoroughly analyzed (not that they ever are), so I do apologize.


I have to admit I was first hesitant to watch this anime, not because of the genre, but because of the cover. 009-1 has a somewhat plain cover that has a character that reminds me of Robotech. Because of these factors I was ignorant to the fact that it was actually made in 2006, I just assumed it was an old anime someone posted.

A story about a hot secret agent cyborg, her missions, her past, and the decisions she's forced to make and live with. Mylene becomes one of the very few main characters that I like. You can sympathize with her, without her whining for you to.

Now that I've actually watched 009-1, I regret those thoughts, it's a worth wild anime. Chalk full of action, romance, like-able characters, and an actual story line! Some people might think I'm exaggerating and say all anime's have story lines... no no they don't. Mylene and Sam's episode 9.5, honestly moved me (not to tears), just watch it and  you'll see what I mean. I gave this anime 3.5 stockings, but I gave episode 9.5 a grand total of 4.5 stockings. I should even out to 4 stockings.

3x3 Eyes

A short-ish anime containing 7 episodes in total, the reason that I am saying short-ish is due to the fact of the length of the episodes. The first 4 episodes are approximately 30 minutes in length, while the last 3 are 50 minutes each. 3x3 eyes was actually made in 1991, and the second part (3 last eps) in 1994. But don't let that scare you off it's an amazing anime.

This entire anime revolves around Yakumo (was human/now Wu) and Pai (a let's just say demon with a split personality).Yakumo and Pai are searching for a way to become human, and trying to get rid of the immortal lives they were cursed with. I won't say much more than what I've already stated because I'm afraid I might give something away. But I will say that this is one of the few anime's I can say with confidence has made me cry. The story is weaved so skillfully that it's beautiful. I gave the first part 3 stocking our of 5, but the second part I just couldn't ignore I gave it a perfect score 5 stockings. I'll give the anime in entirety 5 stockings.

5 Centimeters per Second
So I know that people will probably bitch at me for "hating" on this movie. This movie was slow paced, and I don't mean five episodes of Goku making the spirit bomb slow... worse. When I first read the synopsis of 5 Centimeters per Second, I found it similar to La Lumiere Blanche a french four novel story I read while I was young. They are nothing alike (but that's not why I don't like this anime). The only character that evolves is the female lead in the first part.

This is just another story of another person's boring life, and all their regrets. I gave it 1.5 stockings, and I'm being generous.